Best Chlorine Tablets for Inground Pool: A Helping Model

Chlorine tablets are small, white tablets of compressed chlorine known as chlorine tablets, used to sanitize and disinfect swimming pool water.

The confusion arises when we need to choose one from the market. We think about which would be the best chlorine tablets for inground pool.

These tablets are pre-measured and dissolve slowly over time, chlorine tablets are a viable solution to add chlorine to your pool. As a result, you can just place the tablets into the pump container or a floating dispenser in your pool and allow them to do their task.

Chlorine tablets are powerful disinfectants that cleanse viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms that can cause you ill. So, it is viable for you to use it in your inground pool for your safety measure.

From here on we are going to review some top products from the market which might show you an easy path while choosing one from thousands for your inground pool.

So let us go on a journey where we will assist you with a better choice for your pool.

Types of Chlorine Tablets

chlorine tablets

There are many types of chlorine tablets available on the market. Let us discuss some types of those:

  1. Trichlor: Tablets of stabilized chlorine with a high chlorine content are known as trichlors. They can aid in keeping a constant amount of chlorine in the pool water over time because they dissolve slowly. Hot baths and outdoor pools frequently use trichlor tablets.
  1. Dichlor: Dichlor tablets are a different kind of stabilized chlorine tablet; apart from trichlor, they have a lowered chlorine content. They dissolve more readily and are frequently applied to pools and spas as a shock treatment.
  1. Cal-hypo: Calcium hypochlorite tablets with a higher chlorine content are known as cal-hypo tablets. They ultimately kill bacteria and algae and are routinely used to increase the chlorine level in swimming pool water rapidly.

Top Picks

Here are our top picks from the market:


This product is composed of 99% trichlor which is UV-resistant and slow dissolving. The packaging system also provides a child-proof locking system.

Robelle 1440M-K

This is a multifunctional chlorine tablet that can serve other purposes along with keeping your pool water clean.

In The Swim

This is composed of 90% stabilized chlorine which is also slow dissolving. It can maintain the chemical requirements of your pool water according to the human skin tolerance level.

Leslie’s Jumbo

This product can reduce and remove the formation of algae in your pool and it is also UV resistant.

Clorox Pool&Spa XtraBlue

This product is good at removing pool algae and killing bacteria along with keeping the water smooth according to its market pricing.

Comparison Table

Here is a chart that might help you get an overview of what we are going to review and some key of their offerings:

ProductNameDoheny’sIn The SwimClorox Pool&Spa XtraBlueLeslie’s JumboRobelle 1440M-K
Price(per lb)$$$$$$$$$$$
Chlorine Content(per tablet)99% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione and 90% stabilized chlorine99% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione (Trichlor) and 90% available chlorine94.05% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione99% trichlor94.05% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione
Pool Size(gallon)x1-2 chlorine tablets for every 10,000 gallonsxx1 to 3 tablets per 10000 gallons
The above chart gives you an overall idea about some of the top picks of chlorine tablet.

Best Chlorine Tablets to Use for Inground Pools

Here is a detailed review of the products we have chosen from the market. There are various advantages and disadvantages of every product. 

Let us deliver you an idea of these products in detail which might help you to choose the best.

Robelle 1440M-K

This product is a multifunctional chlorine tablet that can both do the work of chlorination and control the growth of problematic algae or other zooplankton.

This product is ideal as it is a multi-functional product which can serve many purposes in a single package.

This product provides stabilized and slowly dissolving tablets that are very efficient for your inground pools.

This Robelle 1440M-K comes with more advantages that make it special and top of the list. So let us know some benefits and some potential drawbacks of this.

Features and Benefits

  1. Multi-functional tablet (controls algae, works as stain remover vanquisher, sanitizer, and clarifier)
  2. Descaler added in the composition that prevents scale formation
  3. Stabilized and slowly dissolving
  4. Decreases usage of additional pool water chemicals
  5. Each tablet is wrapped to prevent odor and skin contact
  6. Only 1 to 3 tablets are required per 10,000 gallons
  7. Easy to use in the dispenser


  1. Adding other chemicals to the dispenser may cause an explosion
  2. Overpriced
  3. Chlorine stability might fluctuate

In The Swim

This product from In The Swim provides a long-lasting sanitization feature that makes it leap better than other products in the market.

This product comes with 90% available stabilized chlorine which is comparatively more long-lasting and slow dissolving which might reduce your pool maintenance cost. It also has the feature of balancing the pool water pH.

These chlorine tablets provide a long-lasting sanitizing effect that might be a key factor when choosing the best one for your inground pool.

These are not all of the benefits. We will discuss more positive factors of this product along with the potential drawbacks here.

Features and Benefits

  1. 90 % available stabilized chlorine 
  2. Slow dissolving 
  3. Long-lasting sanitization
  4. Unstable chlorination is maintained 
  5. Balances the pH level of the pool water
  6. Controls micro-organisms
  7. Compatible with saltwater pools
  8. Suitable for dispensers
  9. Individually wrapped tablets
  10. 99% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione (Trichlor) used in the composition
  11. Only 1 to 2 tablets are needed per 10,000 gallons per week


  1. Waters might get cloudy 
  2. Tablets might get damaged while shipping due to the packaging 


This product can resist immature burn which is a common phenomenon if the chlorine used in the tablet is not stabilized. So this product provides that safety.

The composition also does not contain any kind of binders or glues that might affect the chemical condition of your pool water.

The product is UV resistant as they are pre-stabilized which is a great point to think about when you have a lots of options in the market.

There is more to learn about this product. More on this product is described below.

Features and Benefits

  1. UV ray resistant as the tablets are pre-stabilized
  2. Premature chlorine burn-off is resisted by stabilizing the tablets
  3. No filler or binder was used in the composition
  4. Composed of 99% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione
  5. The lid of the container has a childproof mechanism
  6. Each tablet is wrapped in another package to keep the tablet active over time
  7. Can be used in a pool dispenser or feeder
  8. Easy to use


  1. Water might get cloudy
  2. Packaging is not good enough as a result tablets get broken often

Leslie’s Jumbo

This product from Leslie’s Jumbo comes at a relatively lower price compared to the previous one but has good beneficial features that attracted us to keep this on the list.

The tablets are slowly dissolving and provide uniform sanitation. This product is renowned because it can reduce the growth of algae which is a good thing in this price range.

This chlorine tablet is slow dissolving and long-lasting and there are no fillers or binders used while manufacturing this product. These might be a deciding factor to choose from the market the best one.

There are more benefits and some drawbacks also. Let us discuss some more on this product.

Features and Benefits

  1. Pool algae reduced
  2. Kills microorganisms
  3. UV light resistant 
  4. Slow dissolving and long-lasting
  5. Steadfast sanitization
  6. No filler or binders were used in the composition
  7. 99% trichlor active ingredient was used 
  8. 90% available active chlorine
  9. Individually wrapped tablets


  1. Chlorine content is not suitable as per the price
  2. Cheap quality

Clorox Pool&Spa XtraBlue

This product is the last on our list based on its performance and price range. 

This “Clorox Pool&Spa XtraBlue” can kill bacteria, and pool algae and maintain the pool water according to its price range. 

This product can be protected from sunlight for a longer period of time. The micro-organisms and other contaminants can be cleared by using this product.

There is more to say about this product. So, Let’s get started on this.

Features and Benefits

  1. Kills bacteria and various forms of pool algae
  2. Protects from sunlight to last longer
  3. Protection against microorganisms and algae for consistently pure, clear, and algae-free water
  4. Makes the water soft
  5. Easy to apply


  1. Not individually wrapped tablets
  2. Tablets might get broken down into powder while shipping 
  3. Not long-lasting enough
  4. Quality does not match the quality of the product

Pool Chlorine Dispenser

What is a Pool Dispenser?

A device that helps maintain the proper amount of chlorine in a swimming pool is called a chlorinator or pool chlorine dispenser. 

To maintain the condition of the pool water and keep it free from harmful bacteria and other microorganisms, chlorine is an essential chemical. 

A pool chlorinator keeps the water clean and clear by gradually releasing a constant quantity of chlorine into it over time.

How does it work?

Usually, a pool dispenser is made of plastic materials that consist of a plastic lid to cover the material fed into it.

It freely floats or is set up in a line in the pool water that gradually dispenses a uniform amount of chlorine over time.

To control the amount of chlorine released, some pool dispensers have an adjustable vent on the bottom that can be opened or closed. Others have a dial or another tool that allows you to adjust the dispenser’s flow rate.

Benefits of using a Pool Dispenser

  1. Easy to use
  2. Adjusting the dispensing rate is easy
  3. Easy to move from one place to another
  4. Adjustable according to the size of the pool and water condition
  5. A slow dispensing rate is safe for the skin as an excessive rate of chlorine in the pool water may damage our organs
  6. Low in price 
  7. Easy maintenance

Top Pool Dispensers in the Market

There are many chlorine dispensers for the pool available on the market. We have picked some of the best from those. Let us discuss this in detail.

Clear Pool Chlorine Floater


  1. Made of heavy-duty material that can last for a long time
  2. Twist-lock cap system prevents the chlorine tablets from falling into the water from the dispenser
  3. Can contain around 5 three-inch chlorine tablets at a time which can save time to refill
  4. The build quality is durable to sustain heavy forces
  5. The wall of the dispenser is UV resistant which is very good to maintain the quality


  1. The twist-cap lock system may fail sometimes which might be problematic

GAME 4002 Derby Duck


  1. Can contain up to 5 three-inch chlorine tablets at a time which can save time to refill
  2. Contains an adjustable feeding basket that can be adjusted according to the amount of chlorine tablets used
  3. Once all of the chlorine tablets are dissolved or while it needs to be refilled, the floater tilts or turns over
  4. The chlorine dispensing rate is adjustable
  5. The outlook is very fancy
  6. Can be used in-ground & above-ground pools


  1. Relative position is not maintained upwards all the time
  2. Low leakage in the basket

Inline Chlorine/Bromine Feeder #320


  1. Can hold 11 large, 98 small, or slow-dispersing trichlor or bromine tablets
  2. Self-cleaning filters for pools up to 658,500 gallons in size in residential or commercial properties
  3. The enclosed system is very useful for an efficient usage
  4. No chance of gas leakage
  5. Suitable for in-line pool and spa feeder


  1. The hose may crackdown
  2. May leak sometimes might cause severe issues

Factors to Consider

Many considerable factors might affect your decision while buying. Let us discuss some of those factors here:

Chlorine Concentration

The amount of chlorine in the tablets should be taken into account. The concentration typically falls between 1 and 3 inches. The longer the tablets last and the slower the tablets dissolve, the higher the concentration.

Type of Chlorine

Stabilized and unstabilized chlorine tablets are both available. Cyanuric acid, an ingredient in stabilized chlorine tablets, prevents sunlight from degrading the chlorine. The greatest place for unstabilized chlorine tablets, which don’t include cyanuric acid, is indoor swimming pools.

Brand Reputation

It’s important to take into account the chlorine tablets’ brand reputation. Choose a company that has an excellent track record for producing effective and high-quality pool chemicals.

Size of the Pool

The quantity of chlorine tablets required depends on how big your inground pool is. Make sure to read the packaging instructions to find out how many tablets to use based on the size of your pool.

Water Chemistry

The efficacy of the chlorine tablets in your pool may be impacted by the water’s chemistry. Make sure to test the water in your pool regularly and correct the chemical balance as necessary.


The price of chlorine tablets should also be taken into account. While maintaining high standards, you also don’t want to overspend. Choose a product that delivers good value for money after comparing prices.


What is the appropriate chlorine tablet concentration for an inground pool?

Between one and three inches of chlorine tablets are the perfect concentration for an inground pool. How quickly and how long the tablet lasts will depend on the concentration.

How do I determine the right number of chlorine tablets for the size of my pool?

The product container will include the recommended number of chlorine tablets based on the size of your pool. Make sure to properly follow the directions and use the right amount for the size of your pool.

How often should I run my filter?

Depending on the size of your pool and the climate of your surrounding, it is usually advised to run your pool filter for 8 to 12 hours per day. 

This ensures that your pool’s overall water supply is filtered at least once daily, which is essential to maintain the water’s sanitation and cleanliness.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing the right chlorine tablet for your swimming pool, there are several factors to consider.

The size of your pool, the type of filter you use, and the amount of chlorine needed to maintain a proper balance are some of the things that matter. Selecting a renowned company that is known for manufacturing chlorine tablets of the highest grade is also important. 

Choosing the best chlorine tablet for your pool and enjoying crystal-clear water all season long can be achieved by taking the time to look into and compare multiple options. 

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take the necessary safety precautions when handling and storing chlorine tablets.

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