How Long does Algaecide Take to Work in a Pool?

How Long does Algaecide Take to Work in a Pool?

It usually takes a few hours for an algaecide to work for a small amount of the pool. If the amount is not small, it takes one or two days for the algaecide to work. This period increases on a hotter and stormier weather.

It is an important part of the pool care process of adding algaecide in order to prevent the algaes and other aquatic plants from growing and spreading.

We must be very careful in this process as it varies depending on different factors. We will know about this in detail.

How long does algaecide last in a pool?

It is recommended to add algaecide on a weekly basis, it can be said algaecide lasts almost for a week. But some high maintenance algaecide, like-Polymer pool Algaecide lasts almost as long as two weeks. It should be renewed after that if you want to make sure your pool remains algae free.

The period upon which the algaecide lasts in a pool varies on different factors. But it is safe to say that most of the algaecide lasts more or less a week. After that algaecide is used again in the pool to keep the pool away from algae. 

How long does algaecide take to work in a pool?

Algaecide Treated Pool

Usually, a few hours is needed for an algaecide to work for a small pool. If the amount is large, it takes approximately one or two days to work. This period is not constant. It differs based on different factors.

The period after which the algaecide works properly is dependent on many factors. Such as-

  • the quantity of water in the pool
  • the brand of a specific algaecide
  • the amount of algae
  • The weather at the time of using algaecide etc.

A table based on how much does algaecide take to work based on which factor:

A specific factor Depending on that, the time algaecide needs to work
The algae is smallIt takes a few hours
The problem is intense It takes two to three days 
The weather is pretty hot or stormyIt will take much longer for the algaecide to work

Why should algaecides be used??

Before we know why algaecide should be used, it is important for us to know what is algae and what is algaecide. 

According to wikipedia, Algae is an informal term for a large and diverse group of photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms.  Also Algaecide or algicide is a biocide used for killing and preventing the growth of algae.

Different algaecides are used in different water reservoirs. Pool algaecides are specifically used to prevent algae from growing underwater on the pool surface. These kinds of algaecides not only kill algae but also other aquatic plants.

Algae are mostly killed because they damage the pool water and also it gives the pool a horrendous look. Besides, some of the algaes are dangerous to our body, mainly our skin. It is also very important to know how long should I wait after adding algaecide after shock.

Some kinds of toxins are released from these dangerous algaes and those damages our skin. These damages vary from person to person. So it is very important for us to use algaecides to stop the growing and spreading of algaes in our pool.

How long after adding algaecide can you swim?

It is very important for us to know about the certain period of time in which we should not swim as algaecides have been added to the pool. Otherwise, it is going to harm our body as well. We have to wait for the algaecide to work first. We can swim in the pool after that certain period.

This duration varies from pool to pool, also the brand of algaecides to algaecides. The pool chemicals added in the pool is a whole other story. 

But it is advised to wait for at least 15 minutes after adding algaecides. After that it is safe to swim in your pool.

It is a misconception that if you start swimming immediately after adding the algaecide, the chemicals used in algaecides to kill the algaes are going to affect your body negatively. Because nowadays most algaecides are perfectly okay to swim with.

But it is not recommended to swim with as it will decrease its effectiveness in most of the cases.

When is the best time to put algaecide in a pool?

Shocked Pool

After each shock treatment, it is best to put algaecide in the pool. It is a very significant process to increase the chlorine level to clean the water properly. Shock treatments are used in this process. The free chlorine level of the water is raised by shock treatment.

If we add algaecide after each shock treatment, it will increase the effectiveness in order to spread the algaecide around the whole pool while the pump is running. It will show better results if we shock the pool first, then after the chlorine level comes back to its standard level, the algaecide is added.

It is best to follow this procedure in order to get the best result.

How long do you stay out of the pool after algaecide? 

It is recommended to stay away from swimming in the pool for at least 15 minutes after adding the algaecide. But it is safe to stay away for more or less 30 minutes after coming in contact with the water of your pool.

It is very important to know why we have to do that. The regular procedure tells us to first shock the pool and then after the chlorine comes below 5 PPM, add the algaecide. After all the process is followed, then it is safe for us to come in contact with the water of the pool. We must stay out of the pool till the process is taking place. 

Even though most of the algaecides are secured to swim with, We should at least stay out of the pool for 30 minutes, 

How does algaecide work in a pool? 

Algaecide is added in the pool mainly to prevent algae and other aquatic plants from growing and spreading. It is important for us to know how the algaecide works in a pool to use it in our pool and observe the result of using it.

Algaecide is used to kill phytoplanktons. Highly soluble copper sulfate is a kind of algaecide. It is dispersed in water and then it is injected or sprayed to the places which will immediately cause algae to deteriorate with age.

The process of killing algae using algaecide is a slow process as the ions they release are positively charged. It usually strikes the algae which are negatively charged. As algaecide does not break down in sunlight, it remains attainable for a much longer time. Besides, it is a must to know how long after adding algaecide can you add shock.

 How often should you put algaecide in your pool?

Algaecide should be put in your pool regularly after a certain period of time. Most of the algaecides are recommended to be put on a weekly basis. It would be more effective to prevent algae from growing in your pool if you put algaecide in your pool once a week. 

As we know, the longevity of different algaes are different. And so the time after algaecide should be put in your pool is different. But mostly algaecides should be put in your pool once a week. 


It is obvious to us that adding algaecide is a very important process of cleaning the pool regularly. In the pool care process, how long does algaecide take to work in a pool is dependent on various factors and we have already discussed it above.

Read more learn more 

  1. how long after adding algaecide can you shock
  2. how much algaecide to put in pool weekly
  3. how to get rid of algaecide foam in pool
  4. how much algaecide for a 3000 gallon pool.

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