There is a specific answer to the question how much algaecide to put in the pool weekly if you specify the type of pool you have, the quantity of the water and also a lot of things. But in most cases, polymer algaecide is used and it is used about 3 oz per 10,000 gallons of water weekly.
We have to gather knowledge about a lot of things in this regard. We have to know about if we have to put algaecide on a weekly basis, and why, how much algaecide to put in the pool weekly and in the winter season. Besides,it would benefit us in many ways if we make a weekly algaecide plan and follow it accordingly.
Let us discuss this in detail
Should I put algaecide in my pool weekly?
Algaecides are advised to put in your pool on a weekly basis. It is recommended by the professionals that algaecides should be applied in your pool after every shock treatment. And it is a must to maintain the regularity in order to keep your pool free from algaes.
Algaecides play a very significant role in keeping your pool free from algaecides. But in order to stop algaes from growing and spreading, it is very important to add algaecides in your pool on a weekly basis. It is not going to prevent algae from growing if you do not do that regularly.
How much algaecide to put in the pool weekly?
It is an infamous misconception that if you want to keep your pool free from algaes, you have to apply algaecides monthly or yearly, or don’t have to maintain regularity. If you don’t apply it on a weekly basis, you would have to face serious consequences. Besides, it is very important to know the quantity of the algaecides you are going to apply in your pool.
The quantity depends on different factors. Some of them are-
- The phase of the algaecide
- The quantity of the water in your pool
- The quality of the algaecide
- The type of the algaecide
The initial dosage of polymer algaecide is 12 oz per 10,000 gallons and weekly maintenance dosage is 3 oz per 10,000 gallons. This is a standard quantity. Besides, it is very important for us to know about weekly algaecide treatment and how much algaecide to put in weekly before swimming.
How much algaecide to put in the pool when closing?

It is very important to make sure to take proper care of the pool before closing it for the cold weather or other reasons. Otherwise, we will face many difficulties when we open the pool again. We must be cautious about taking sincere measures so that we do not have to undergo such difficulties. So it is safer to be prepared than sorry. Besides, we must know when to add algaecide to the pool after shock.
The quantity of algaecide is dependent on the quantity of the water in your pool. For about 20,000 gallons of water, 1 quart of winter algaecide is more than enough. It is the answer of the question of how much algaecide to put in your pool for winter. It is a must to use winter algaecide before closing your pool in this weather. Besides, algaecides are more effective than chlorine as it can function below 50°F.
Weekly algaecide plan
It is a much needed significant step to make a weekly plan and follow it accordingly in order to keep your pool free from algaes. If we regularly follow our plan First of all, you have to know the chemical levels of different factors of your pool, like- hardness, pH, alkalinity etc.
The best range of parts per million (ppm) for your pool are:
pH: 7.2 – 7.8 ppm
Alkalinity: 80 – 120 ppm
Hardness: 175 – 250 ppm
It is important to check these levels regularly, according to these levels, algaecides are applied. Then you have to add 3 oz of algaecide per 10,000 gallons of water in your pool. It is the most vital step of your weekly algaecide plan. If the algaecide are not working as efficiently as expected, you have to make sure to find a more suitable and efficient brand of algaecide for your pool.
It is a must to shock your pool at least once a week. Also Algaecides are applied in the pool on a weekly basis. Algaecides are usually added to the pool after shocking the pool. So we must know when to add algaecide to the pool after shock.
The factors upon which the problem of growing and spreading alges vary??
We would have to face many problems if we don’t apply a certain amount of algaecides in our pool on a weekly basis. There are many visible signs which indicate that there are algaes in your pool. The problem varies depending on various factors. Some of them are-
- The type of algae that has grown in your pool and is spreading is the first factor. We would take steps depending on that as the steps to kill the algaes and stop their spreading varies from algae to algae
- The color of the pool is sometimes the indication of the attack of algaes. The mild or major discoloration of the pool indicates that something is wrong. But in some cases, that doesn’t happen. So the problem is hard to detect based on that.
- The regularity of the maintenance of your pool causes this problem from time to time. If you don’t maintain regularity, you are bound to mishap. And the duration of not maintaining the regularity makes the problem vary as well.
These are some of the factors depending upon which the problem of algaes growing and spreading varies.
We have to apply 3 oz of polymer algaecide per 10,000 gallons of water to keep our pool free from algaes. It is a must apply algaecide on a weekly basis and keep doing that regularly.
For a weekly plan, some steps are absolutely needed. Like checking the chemical balance of the pool regularly, shocking and then applying the algaecide once a week. If you find any fluctuation in the range, take steps accordingly.
There are many factors that influence this very particular problem of the pool being attacked by the algaes. Some of them are- the type of algae that has affected the pool, the visual and chemical changes of the pool etc.
Read more learn more
1. How long does algaecide take to work in a pool?
2. How long does algaecide last in a pool?