How to change Pool Lights without Draining the water

Changing lights underwater is one of the most daunting tasks as electricity and water are not exactly good with each other.

So the first question in your head will pop up is,

Can you change the pool light without draining the water?

The answer is, yes, you can change the pool light without draining the water. There are pool lights that are designed that way that you do not need to drain water from your pool to replace them.

So, How to change Pool Lights without Draining the water?

The housing of the pool light is devised so that you do not need to drain water from your pool. You do not even need to disconnect any wiring and electricity connected to that light and remove it from the pool, just take it out above the water and thus you can change it. That way you do not even need to drain water.

Though this replacement thing sounds easy there are some measures you need to take care of as this replacing bulb is not like a typical replacing bulb in your house.

How to switch Pool Light without dehydrating water

We have told you that you do not require to drain water from your pool to change the pool light. You do not even have to detach any wiring connected to the bulb housing.

However, as you are close to the water and you have to get prone to replace the bulb. So you do not want to get electrocuted. So you have to take some measures to avoid any kind of accident.

You will need the ensuing materials:

  • Screwdriver
  • Voltage tester 
  • Cushy terrycloth towel
  • Alternate gasket and alternate screws

These are the fundamental things that will need in the process.

1. By turning off the electricity link of the pool

First of all, you need to turn off the course breaker of the pool and confirm that there is no electricity running through it. 

For this, you need a voltage tester to confirm that there if there is any electricity or not. If the voltage tester beeps or flashes there is still electricity and you can not continue your work at all. So you need to turn it off again and properly for your own safety.

After getting a green signal you can go on with your work.

2. Pull out the screws on the light housing

At the bottom of the light housing, you will find a single screw that you need to pull off.

If you are unable to take it out from the outside you better dive in so that you can properly take it out from the chamber.

3. Remove the light housing

After taking out the screw you can take a look and you will find the light housing at the side of the pool. Take it outside from the pool. You do not have to worry about the cords as they are designed to be waterproof and they are long enough to take it out from the pool. 

Here you will be able to go on to the next step.

4. Detach the other brads

After taking the housing out you will be able to see that a set of screws or a single screw is holding the bezel, the lens, and the light to the lodging.

Take out the screws to separate the gasket, lens, and light from the lodging.

5. Replace all Corroded screw

Though you remove all the screws from the outside you may see some corroded screws also. You should replace them with new ones. 

Also, check the gasket to ensure there are any crimps or cracks in it.

6. Pull out the original Bulb

After removing everything the only thing in front of you will be the original bulb. First, you have to wipe around inside the housing, and using the exact towel you have to take a grip on the bulb. You have to be careful about taking a grip because of the sensitivity of the bulb.

After taking out the bulb you have to make sure that the alternate bulb also has the same features as the old one.

7. Fix the Replaced bulb

Now place the new bulb in the gasket and fix the gasket near the acerbity of the light lens it needs to be. After that you also need the bezel to be installed upon the lens.

8. Ensconce the pool light lodging

Now do all the works reverse that you have done before replacing the bulb. Tense all the screws that were containing the house and wind the cords near the lodging. After that insert the lodging in the pool where it was before.

After submerging if you see any kind of bubbles you better check the house again as it has can have some leakage or some crack on it.

9. Keep the light housing is secure

After all these works you can turn the circuit breaker on and let the pool light shine in the pool.

How much does it cost to change a pool light?

In the market, you can find many pool lights at favorable prices. The average price of a pool light is 30-40 dollars. 

If you want to change the gasket you will need around 25 dollars. Assuming you will need a professional worker for this then the labor will cost around 100 to 150 dollars.

So adding everything will cost around 200+ dollars to change a pool light ideally.

How long does a pool light last?

Most of the pool lights will serve 1000 hours at max with a rough use before they require to replace with a new one. So calculating for the normal LED bulb you will get almost a decade to change the pool lights.
However, in that time span, the screws may get loosened for the corrosive chemistry. But the cords will also last almost 20 to 30 years before you need the new ones. If any case you have to change the cords you better change the whole light since you can not change the cords.


If you have a pool then changing a pool light is a knowledge you should have from the beginning. 

Along with this, knowing how long do pool lights last or how do led pool lights work might also come in handy.

We tried to solve this problem at our best. We have our humble apologies if we missed any point about it.

Read more, Learn more

For more information, you can visit these sites

  • Can you change the pool light without emptying the pool?
  • How to drain pool below skimmer?

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