Is your pool full of algae?
Do you want to clean your swimming pool?
Pool shock is one of the best options you can use to clean the pool. But just by knowing it, you can not clean the pool. You also need to learn how to use pool shock. Moreover, there are questions like Can you put shock in the pool skimmer? How to shock a pool with chlorine tablets? You also need to learn these questions’ answers to have a better knowledge of pool shock.
Yes, you can put a pool shock in the skimmer. But before you add pool shock in the skimmer the most important part is you need to ensure the filter system is safe properly. You have to remove air from the filtration system. After that, you can put a pool shock in the skimmer.
Can you put shock in the pool skimmer?
You can indeed add shock to the pull skimmer. But there are various factors that need to be addressed before adding shock to the skimmer.
You have to check the water pH before you add shock in the skimmer. Pool shock works better in a balanced pool.
Night is the best time to add the shock. As the sun is set the UV rays won’t effect the shock and the efficiency of the shock will rise.
And one of the most important things is use the right amount of shock you need. Over Chlorination can affect your skin and cause eye irritation. But if you use a small amount of shock then germs and bacteria won’t be killed. That is why you need to take a good look in the manufacturer’s guide and use the right amount of shock.
When handling shock, put on safety gloves and goggles because it can be harmful to your health. Keep animals and kids out of the pool while it is being shocked.
Shock can concentrate if it is added straight to the pool skimmer, which could lead to filtration system or pool skimmer damage. The best course of action is to adhere to the directions on the shock product label and deliver the shock directly to the pool water using the suggested dosage and techniques.
When should you use pool shock?
One of the main things to know about the pool shock is the time of using it. When should you use it and how it should be used are the burning questions among the learners.
Chloramines, wastes after heavy pool use, visible algae, and bacteria are the common excuse to use pool shock.
There are mainly 3 times when you have to shock the pool. They are:
After too much visible algae
To control the growth of the algae you can use chlorine. But using chlorine will not eradicate algae from the pool. You need pool shock to kill the algae once and for all.
A slightly low pH pool shock will be the most potent for this job. The range should be 7.2-7.4.
Bather waste and Bacteria
There are many sources of bacteria to enter your pool. But you do not need to worry about it badly because most of these bacteria are not harmful at all.
However, there are some bacteria known as pathogenic bacteria that are harmful enough to cause many problems for you. You have to use chlorine shock to remove those bacteria from the pool.
And for bathing waste such as dead body cells, hair, soaps, lotions, urine, and feces have to be removed from the pool using pool shock.
The combined chlorine molecules known as chloramines are accountable for the “red eye’’ swimmers and strong chlorine aroma. You have to use strong chlorine shock to break the chlorine molecules.
Moreover, if your pool water becomes cloudy which means the balance of the sanitiser becomes low you can use pool shock to bring back the previous situation in the pool.
How often can you use Pool Shock?
The pool differs from places and even this differs from the structure of building it. But we strongly advise shocking your pool at least once per week.
By routinely shocking the algae, and bathing waste, chloramines can not get born in your pool. For some checking, you test your pool for chloramines and see if there are any algae visible in your pool or bacteria which can cause you disease.
Chemicals operated as Pool Shock
There are many pool shocks in the market. But you have to be careful about choosing the right one because this is a product of chemical mixtures you can not use the wrong one which can cause you a lot of suffering.
That is why EPA has approved chemicals which can be used for pool shock. Before buying any pool shock you have to look for these chemicals if these are the right pool shock for you.
Calcium Hypochlorite: The most economical pool shock you can buy in the market is calcium hypochlorite. In the market, this is available in the strength range of 65%-73% and the thing is this is not stabilized so you have to be careful about the amount you use.
Sodium Dichlor: This product contains cyanuric acid to protect your pool’s chlorine from degradation from the sun. it has a neutral pH and this is available in the market at a strength of 56%. It does not add calcium to your pool.
Potassium monopersulfate: This is a non-chloride pool shock. So it does not get affected by the sunlight. After 15 minutes of the application of this product, you can swim in the water. For its efficiency, this is a demandable product in the market.
Can you put a liquid pool shock in the skimmer?

You can put pool shocks in the skimmer but you have to make some certain conditions to add them to the skimmer. You have to completely air out the filtration center. After that, you can add the liquid pool shock to it.
The best option for using liquid pool shock is to spread it on the pool water than putting it in the skimmer.
How much should you use pool shock?
You might be thinking how much do you have to use the pool shock? For the amount of the pool shock, you have to know the amount of water in your pool. You can use many methods to have that answer but for time-saving, you can check it online with a pool volume calculator.
For chloramine removal, you need to use 10 or 20 times more pool shock to reach chlorine-free water. For algae, you can use almost 30 ppm. You can change the amount on the number of algae your pool has.
Another way to think of it is the way you want to solve the pool problem. If you want to boost the chlorine level you need almost one bag of pool shock per 20,000 gallons. For algae, you can use 2-6 lbs per 10,000 gallons. Super pool shock can deliver almost 10 ppm per 10,000 gallons.
Pool size(Gallons) | Intensity of shock(ounces) |
5000 | 1 |
10000 | 2 |
15000 | 3 |
20000 | 4 |
25000 | 5 |
30000 | 6 |
This chart shows the most suggested guideline for the use of shock in pool. But this can vary the product you will be using. Read the products manufacturer’s guide before using.
Pool shock is one of the most important things to keep your pool clean and fresh. So to keep your pool clean you have to use it properly and in proper amounts so that your pool remains in good shape.
You should use EPA-approved pool shocks to avoid any kind of disaster.
In this article, we tried to cover if you can put pool shock in the skimmer and tried to give you the best information and solutions for these. If we missed any information we humbly apologies for it.
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Can you put a shock in the pool skimmer? Can put chlorine shock in the skimmer? For the answer to these questions, you must stick with us to the end.