In this article, we are going to learn about how to install saftron pool rails. Pool rails are very important for pool safety. Saftron pool rails would be a great choice for that purpose.
There are many reasons for choosing saftron pool rails specifically. Some of them are – it is not going to rust, it is quite easy to clean, it won’t affect pool chemicals at all etc.
Saffron pools are made of high impact polymer which makes it stronger and more durable than other pool rails. And these properties make it last longer as well. If you are thinking about installing pool rails, then you should consider saftron pool rails for these reasons.
Saftron pool rails are mainly installed for safety purposes. It will give you something to hold on to while you are entering or coming out of the pool. It will decrease the possibility of slipping off or other major accidents. So it is very significant to install pool rails.
Pre-Installation Preparation
Pre installation preparation of the saftron pool rails involves a few necessary measures so that you don’t have to go through any problem in the future because of some miscalculation or silly mistakes. Some of them are discussed below.
Choosing the right location for the pool rails:

First of all, it is very important to choose the right location for the pool rails. If you choose a location where the base is questionable and doubtful, it will ultimately break and it may cause you some serious accidents.
On the other hand, if the base is too strong, then there is a possibility that it might fail the foundation. It would be a result of lack of stability in this regard.
In addition, it is needless to say that the pool rails should be in a location where it is easier for people to access it comfortably.
So, we have to be very careful about choosing the right location. Or else, it will cause more trouble than helping us.
The measurement and marking the location for your pool rails:
The measurement and marking the location for your pool rails is very important. It is the next step after choosing the location for the pool rails.
The measurement of the pool rails depends on how much area it would take in the first place. Then after that we have to mark the location where our pool rails’ foundation is going to be situated. We have to take a little bit of extra space in case something goes wrong.
If the measurement and marking the location for your pool rails is done efficiently, it would give us a proper direction to the work you are going to do here.
The importance of ensuring that the location is level :
An irregular surface can undermine the whole purpose of the pool rails, it is very important to level the location. First of all, remove the sod. And then analyze the levelness to identify the high spots and slopes. After that, dig according to the measurement and make sure to level that.
These are some of the preparations that you need to take before you start installing saftron pool rails. Taking these preparations, you would be able to be cautious for our upcoming activities in this regard.
Different parts of saftron pool rails
The first step of installing saftron pool rails is to assemble the different parts which came with the saftron pool rails. But for that we have to know about the different kinds of parts of the whole product. Only then, we will be able to assemble the whole product and then install it ultimately. Some of the parts are-
- Surface mounting base:
Its height varies based on the size of the pool rails. Some have the height of 3 inches, some have the height of 6 inches etc.
- Anchor sockets
- Anchor sockets covers
- Escutcheons:
It is also based on the size of the anchor sockets’ cover. Higher the diameter of the socket, higher the diameter of the escutcheons.
- Installation jiga
- Bolts and nuts for anchor socket wedge
If you are thinking about adding the pool ladder with the pool rails, then you would need the parts mentioned below as well.
- Ladder refurbishing kit
- Ladder bumper
- Pool ladder step.
These are some of the parts of saftron pool rails. We should know about these to install the pool rails accurately.
How to install saftron pool rails

We are going to know about how to install saftron pool rails at this portion of the article. Here we are going to discuss the process of installing saftron pool rails step by step to make your job a bit easier. This is done basically for pool safety. You should also know about how pool lights work and how fire alarms work in swimming pools to ensure pool safety.
The whole process will make you understand that it is not that difficult to install it. And even after that, if you can do it by yourself, then you can always seek help from the professionals in this regard.
- First of all, you have to make a pool deck which in most cases is made in the process of making the pool.
- You have to get some extra deep anchor sockets which are part of the saftron pool rails and measure them properly.
- Then after measuring the sockets, we have to dig two deep holes in the pool deck accordingly.
- Then we are going to set the rails in the two holes we have dug before.
- We are going to level them properly which is a very important step here. If somehow your rails are not leveled, then it won’t be safe to use that at all.
- Then we are going to mix the cement and anchor it nice and properly.
- Then wait till the cement is dry.
If you follow these steps accordingly then you would be able to install saffron pools successfully. As mentioned before, you can always hire professionals to do this installation.
If you think that it is necessary to connect your pool rails to your pool ladders, then follow the state five step instruction given below. It would help you understand how to do it and the sequence of doing that in proper steps.
- First, you have to measure the distance between two ladders.
- And then measure the distance from the escutcheons to the pool edge.
- Then take out the escutcheons covering the bolts.
- Then loosen the bolts and release the ladder wedge gradually.
- Then pull it out completely and exchange them with a brand new ladder.
- Then take out the ladder and put it right back on to the ground and anchor it.
These are the steps of connecting pools to the pool ladder. Generally, it is not necessary. But if you think that it is important for your pool then go for it and follow these steps.
Post-Installation Care
Even though saftron pool rails is a great product which provides you cool safety and security, after installing it you must think about this. If you don’t care about it properly and regularly, it will not run as long as it would if you care for it. Here, I am going to talk about some post installation care that you should consider.
- First of all, you must clean it properly. There is a misconception that stainless steel pool rails do not need cleaning which is baseless. It is very possible for pool rails to stain if they are not properly taken care of. Everyday you should clean stainless pool rails with freshwater. And on a weekly basis, you should wash with mild soap and slightly warm water.
- Be very careful of choosing your cleaning product. It must not contain chlorides or wool steel. It will not protect your pool rails. On the other hand, it would make your pool rails stain. Also, the rate of corrosion will increase as well if you use these kinds of products for cleaning.
- Use a nylon brush to clean stains if you find any.
- If you wish to put even more effort for protection, you may add automotive wax.
These are some of the post installation care that you should consider if you want to make sure that your pool rails do not get stained or affected by corrosion for a longer time.
Moreover, the purpose of the whole article was to help you go through the process of installing saftron pool rails. We have discussed all the aspects of the topic. Here, we have tried to help you by making you understand what you have to do step by step to make everything clearer and easier. To ensure pool safety, you must also know how to paint above ground pool rails and how to disarm pool door alarms.
We have to understand that installing any kind of pool rails is very important for your pool safety. It is very common for people to avoid taking safety measures and understand the value of it after going through some major accidents.
Pool accidents like- fractures or breaking bones or joints by not being able to hold anything to balance in slippery areas are very common nowadays. These happen to those people who think that taking safety measures are just wasting money. Do not be one of them and take precautions and safety measures and do install saftron pool rails.
We also tried to familiarize you with different parts of pool rails. We also discussed the pre-installation and post-installation process here as well. It will make the whole process of an installation process successful and efficient. Make sure to follow the steps. But if you are not able to do that and money is not an issue for you, then you can also hire professionals as well.
Read more learn more:
- Do pool handrails need to be grounded?
- Do pool alarms really work?
- how to drain pool below skimmer
- How much algaecide to put in the pool weekly.